Winter Texan Times

JANUARY 19, 2022 24 WINTER TEXAN TIMES 9am, $6pp. Bluegrass Jam - Bentsen Palm RV Park, Mission, 9-11am, 50/50, coffee, homemade goodies. New jammers welcome. Lunch - Llano Grande Lake Park Resort and Country Club, Mercedes, 11am-2:30pm, Cafe Grande. Menu available @ Cafe Grande, meal price varies. Lunch & Jam - Chimney Park, Mission, 11:30am-3pm, 11:30 - Burgers & Fries. 1:00 - Jam. Free admission. 4224 S. Conway. Weekly Jam - Sunshine RV Resort, Harlingen, 12:30-3pm, 1900 Grace Ave, food $. Big Band Jam - Valley View Estates, Mission, 2-4pm, Musicians by invitation only. Social Hour Dance - Siesta Retirement Village Park, Weslaco, 3-5pm, Diego & Edith. Soft drinks, popcorn and nachos available. Pass the hat. For information, call 712-660-0308. Public Meal - Big Valley Trailer Park, Donna, 4:30pm, All you care to eat: sausage gravy and biscuits, pancakes, sausage patties, scrambled eggs, applesauce and coffee. Bring own table service. Karaoke - Llano Grande Lake Park Resort and Country Club, Mercedes, 5:30pm, Hynes Event Center. Music Jam - Heritage Square, Mission, 5:30pm, Hosted by Don McGhghy. Food available 4 to 5:15 pm. 300 S. Bryan Rd. For info: 563-340-6493. Singles Mixer - Casa del Valle Resort Park, Alamo, 6-7pm, BYOB. Dream Catcher Karaoke - Acacia RV Park, Alamo, 6-9pm, BYOB. Jam - Circle T RV Park, Mission, 6pm, Cookies and coffee at intermission. Pre-Rounds - Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, 6:30-7pm, In Tampico Hall. Bring snacks to share. Hearing enhancement available. Subject to change without notice. Entertainment - Bit-O-Heaven RV Park, Donna, 7pm, Abundance Quartet - gospel. $8pp. BYOB/ice cream bars for sale. Entertainment - Bentsen Grove Resort, Palmview, 7pm, Helen Russell & Co Show, $8pp. Encore Show - Sunshine RV Resort, Harlingen, 7-9:30pm, Nashville Gold. In the Friendship Hall. Advance tickets are required and may be purchased in the Sunshine RV Park Activity Office. $14pp, $15pp, $18pp. Entertainment - Pine to Palm Resort, Weslaco, 7pm, Mario Rosales - hits from Neil Diamond, Elvis, Frank Sinatra and more, $8pp at the door. Doors open at 6:00 pm. Entertainment - McAllen Mobile Park, 7-9pm, Perryman, $8pp. MS/Plus Square Dance - Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, 7-9pm, With Ron Betzelberger. In Tampico Hall. Bring snacks to share. Hearing enhancement available. Subject to change without notice. Dance - Casa del Valle Resort Park, Alamo, 7-10pm, Texas Wheels, $7pp. BYOB. Entertainment - Countryside RV Park, Donna, 7-9pm, Spittin Image. Concessions available. PARKS From pg. 23 questions. The group will continue to meet on the first and third Tuesdays of the month until the end of March. All Valley retired P.E.O. sisters are invited to attend. Kansas Day – Valley-Wide The Valley-wide Kansas Day will be held on Wednesday, January 26, three days before the actual Kansas holiday. The event will feature a meal of chicken supreme, loaded mashed potatoes, vegetable medley, and a dessert. Entertainment will be provided by Rusty Rierson, 2019 RGV Male Vocalist of the Year. The event begins with registration at 10:30 a.m. and lunch at noon. Tickets are $15 per person and will be collected at the door (cash only). Seating is limited, so register early. Reservations must be received on, or before, Friday, January 21. Reservations can be done by emailing Larry Schmitt at larrys13@ or calling (913) 369-5669. You must include name, number of attendees, phone and Kansas hometown. Any cancellations must be reported to Larry by Saturday, January 22, or you might be billed for the meal. The event will be held at Trophy Gardens RV Resort, 800 SH 495, in Alamo. REUNIONS From pg. 22