Winter Texan Times

FEBRUARY 1, 2023 22 WINTER TEXAN TIMES • Lower Back Pain • Foot/Heel Pain • Muscle Weakness • Dizziness, Vertigo Are You Experiencing: We Have A Genuine Commitment To Your Health Dr. Frank Garza CEO, PT, DPT Dr. Amy Garza COO, PT, DPT, MTC, NPCP Dr. Laura Saenz, PT, DPT Dr. Jonathon Martinez PT, DPT Dr. Matthew Garza, PT, DPT LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE! 5413 N. 23RD ST. McAllen, TX 78504 SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! (956) 994-8880 Ruben Alvarado, PTA Joseph Ruiz, PTA Jaqueline Ramirez, PTA • Total Hip Replacement • Total Knee Replacement • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) • Pain Management • Shoulder Pain • Neck Pain • Post Surgical Procedures • Chronic Pains • Balance and Fall Prevention • Traumatic Brain Injury 1810 E. 8TH ST. Weslaco, TX 78596 I would like to think that Spring is just around the corner - but I know we could still have another freeze. I hope not - but our climate is changing. Or is it? I remember maybe eight or so years ago that we had ice on the highways as late as February 6. So even if you do want to start replanting, hold on - it is a little too early. Even so we are having some beautiful weather right now. Low to mid-seventies is just the perfect time for long walks, trips to the zoo or maybe even a visit to South Padre Island. It’s time to fly a kite, build a sandcastle or even join in the beach cleanup. How blessed we are to be in the Rio Grande Valley. I check the temperature daily to have an idea of what to expect for the rest of the week. And of course, I want to see what the temperature is in San Antonio and Austin as that is where my children live. I was shocked a few days ago to see printed in bold letters COLD on the map for Amarillo. I am very glad I don’t have to live in 21-degree weather. Our Winter Texan friends are often misled by the beautiful and lush green of the grass and the new leaves that will soon be bursting out. I can understand, planting time in the Rio Grande Valley probably brings fond memories of home and gardens that will soon need tended. Please don’t leave us too early. We benefit so much from all that you bring to the Rio Grande Valley. So many of you volunteer your time - not just in your park but in all of the schools, children’s homes and hospitals that need that ray of love and understanding that you bring to us. We love you and we need you. Many people say that the Rio Grande Valley is a third world country. Well, maybe they should look at Cool days lead to warm days our Valley home from a different perspective - we are an amalgamation of several worlds - the world of Mexico and the gr ac i ousnes s and closeness of family that makes up the culture of Mexico. Our neighbors to our South still hold dear the patriarch and matriarch of the family. Added to our world are our visitors from the North who bring to us a challenge to be more generous with our time and our talents. Then we have those of us who were born, raised, and educated in the Valley. These are the ones who all too often leave the Valley for more opportunities and better paying jobs. How interesting it is to see those same ones who were so anxious to leave decide to come back when it is time to retire. See, there is just nothing like the Rio Grande Valley with the big open skies, fluffy white clouds, sandy beaches, and most of the time great outdoor weather. We are different. Let’s not think of ourselves as a third world country - we are our own special world. The Rio Grande Valley is truly a whole other country. “most needed” list. Throughout 2022 the acceptance of donated new and “gently used” clothing and shoes and personal hygiene items continued, as well as donations of cash to purchase needed items. Over 1,000 items were donated between February and November 2022. Mid-November 2022 the Holiday Project kicked into high gear again, with posters and social media announcements informing residents what was most needed for the Closet: new shoes for big and little kids, hygiene products (toilet paper, bar soap, liquid hand soap, toothbrushes), and gift cards, as well as underwear, socks, and cold weather clothing. The donations started coming in and accumulating. In December, just before the holiday cold snap, an early delivery of warm coats, jackets, and other cold weather items was delivered to help FACE staff meet urgent needs. On January 10th the balance of items was delivered – an amazing 1,300-plus items! It is so heart-warming to know that we are making a big difference in the lives of so many families and children. F.A.C.E. staff are very appreciative of the giving hearts of Paradise Park residents. The residents of Paradise Park will continue to support the needs of the Clothing Closet year-round, and donations of items or cash are always welcome. Six residents of Paradise Park currently volunteer one afternoon a week at the Clothing Closet; organizing racks of clothing, sorting, marking sizes, whatever is needed. We see first-hand what the needs are and how important our support of the Closet is, as well as witnessing the importance of having this resource available to the HCISD families. We feel blessed to be able to help make a difference. In addition to the other donations on January 10th, April Vallejo, Park Manager of Paradise Park RV Resort presented a check for $500 to the Harlingen CISD Clothing Closet from Encore Corporation (parent company of Paradise Park) through their Making a Difference program. Another blessing! For all of us involved in this community project, our hearts are full of emotions to be able to help those less fortunate and in need. Giving fills our hearts and gives us a sense of purpose. GIVING From pg. 4