Winter Texan Times

JANUARY 11, 2023 24 WINTER TEXAN TIMES (956)566-1157 how you can help them help those that come to their facility for schooling. They are so very thankful for the Winter Texans, and other volunteers, that put in so much time at the institute. It’s amazing how much work everyone does and the things they achieve when they come together for the same purpose. If you have a chance, call them or visit to see how you can volunteer. For the next month we have something just about every day that needs to be attended or covered in some fashion. It’s a blast for us as we get out there and visit with y’all though. These are the times we look forward to all season long. This is the period where we really get out there, enjoy some entertainment, meet new people, make new friends, and get a little taste of the fun you have while in the Valley. With it becoming busier and having more Winter Texans in the Valley during these next two months, we have made some additions to our paper. Last week we introduced our ‘Jammin’ in the RGV’ column. This week we have ‘On The Lighter Side’, a humorist column. Cheap Seats is back as well. We will also be having Wintertainer™ stories starting soon too. We hope you enjoy these additions as we plan to carry them if you like them. We would love to hear your feedback. There are so many events coming up – Winter Fest, SPI Kite Festival, RGV Woodcarver events, Valley Star Awards, and so much more. Watch our calendars, stories, website and social media for these and more. If you have anything you would like to share with us, an event coming up, a 50th wedding anniversary, 100th birthday, or someone interesting we should know, email us at We love hearing from you! RAMBLINGS From pg. 1 LOOKING BACK From pg. 2 McAllen marathon celebrating 10th anniversary Each year the City of McAllen hosts the McAllen Marathon Scott Crane Run where participants have the opportunity to register for a 5K, 10K, Relay Marathon, Half Marathon or Full Marathon. Participants receive finisher medals, shirts and swag. The City of McAllen, along with McAllen Parks and Recreation, will be hosting the 10th anniversary race of the marathon run on Friday, January 21st. Since its inaugural run in 2013, the city has built on its promise to provide a high-quality service and quality of life to all who live, work and visit the City of McAllen by improving and listening to feedback related to the event. Being known for its flat and fast course, the 10th anniversary race hopes to once again draw the attention of more than 17 states, three countries and over 4,000 spectators and participants during the race weekend. Along with placing an emphasis on health and wellness, spectators and participants will have the opportunity to visit the McAllen Marathon Health and Wellness Expo on Friday, January 20. Over the last 10 years, races have been hosted on two separate days. This year, all races will take place on one single day. The full marathon, half marathon, and six-person relay marathon will kick off at 7 a.m. The 5K race and 10K race will begin at 7:10 a.m. The 2023 McAllen Marathon Scott Crane Run will also once again be hosting the Kids Final Mile at 10 a.m. Runners can register for any of the races by visiting McAllen Marathon 2022. Courtesy Photo We used the term in the production room to make sure we double checked the layout and there weren’t any mistakes. Back then we were typesetting a lot of the news. Submissions would come in on paper and we would then have to type it up into Word and then go from there with formatting, proofreading, and editing. Sometimes we would receive news on floppy disks and then eventually CD’s. As the years have gone by, we have steadily grown to only use computers for our publications. We use several different programs to build ads. We use email to communicate, receive stories, proof ads, do surveys, and all sorts of things now. Our computers are part of our everyday lives now. We have become spoiled by the technology being at our fingertips with laptops, dual screens and smart phones. Our paper is now uploaded directly to our printer. We can now work from anywhere, even when we are out and about attending events. It makes it easy to share what is happening. As Winter Texans, you now use computers to communicate with family back home, check in on Facebook, keep track of activities, and more. We know many parks have gone to having websites, Facebook pages, and other ways to communicate online so information is readily at your fingertips when you need, or want, it. We have been able to transition to contacting parks and our readers through email and social media. This makes response time a lot faster than sending letters by mail. It’s amazing how far we have come and to experience what it was like before technology started doing some of the harder work for us. Admittedly, there are things I miss from the old press days – there are some things better seen with dark room production than digital photography, although digital photography has nearly caught up with some dark room techniques. Since most of you are only a few years older than we are, I am sure you have some stories to tell about your use of computers. So, when was the first time you used a computer?