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February 5, 2025 - Parks Calendar

EDITOR’S NOTE: Items for the Parks Calendar must be open to the public activities in the parks only and must be submitted by park owners, managers or activity directors. Listings must come from the park and are to be submitted on the Winter Texan Times Parks Calendar Submission Form. Request this form from the Winter Texan Times office. Multiple activities may be submitted on the park’s letterhead, provided the same information is provided in the format of the Submission Form. We do not accept listings for reviews, workshops, lessons or dance classes. Submission deadline is Thursday 5 p.m., the week prior to the publication date. Send to: Winter Texan Times, 1217 N. Conway Ave., Mission, Texas 78572 or email to parkscal@wintertexantimes.com.

Wednesday, February 5

Sunshine’s 77 Cafe - Sunshine RV Resort, Harlingen, 7am-1:30pm, Cafe open for breakfast and lunch in Rec Hall. 1900 Grace Ave.

Wednesday Breakfast - Bentsen Grove Resort, Palmview, 7:30-9am.

Craft Sale - Paradise Resort Estates, Pharr, 9am-Noon, Luncheon served. Space  available.  Contact  Pat  at 507-351-5246.

TSSA Tournament - Southern Comfort Resort, Weslaco, 9am, 1501 S. Airport Dr.

Wednesday Burger Fry - Chimney Park, Mission, 11:30am-12:30pm, The very best ½ lb. burgers and 1/4 lb. all beef hot dogs & corn dogs. All the toppings (grilled onions, raw onions, tomatoes, lettuce jalapenos, cheese, pickles), egg washed French fries, sweet potato fries, & southern ranch homemade baked beans. 956-585-5061. 4224 S. Conway Ave.

Musical Jam - Sunshine RV Resort, Harlingen, 12:30-2:30pm, Rec Hall. Cafe open for lunch, gate is open. 1900 Grace Ave.

Country Jam - Quiet Village II, Donna, 12:30-3:30pm.

Jam - Heritage Square, Mission, 1-4pm, Refreshments at 11 a.m.

Bluegrass Jam - Posada del Sol RV Park, Harlingen, 1-3pm.

Open Music Jam - Chimney Park, Mission, 1pm, Homemade cake on the break. 956-585-5061. 4224 S. Conway Ave.

Jam Session - Park Place Estates, Harlingen, 1:30-3:30pm, Our free Acoustic Jam Session is open to the public. Come to listen or come to play! Everyone is welcome.

Happy Hour - Victoria Palms Resort, Donna, 3-5pm, Caroll Classic Countdown, pass the hat. Ballroom.

Karaoke - McAllen Mission RV Resort, Mission, 3-6pm, Hall-2. Music: country, old time rock. Chef Joann meals served $. Snacks, ice cream, and drinks available. BYOD. Come and sing, visit, or relax. 956-585-7630. 3366 N. Bentsen Palm Dr.

Social Hour - Dream Valley Ranch, Mission, 4-6pm, Pam & Darrell “Simply Gold Duo”, pass the hat.

Pancake Supper - Big Valley Trailer Park, Donna, 4:30-6pm, All you care to eat pancakes, also serving biscuits and sausage gravy, scrambled eggs, sausage patties, applesauce and coffee, $8pp. Bring your table serve. 109 W. Bus. Hwy. 83.

Happy Hour - Southern Comfort Resort, Weslaco, 5-6:30pm, Denim & Lace, pass the hat. 1501 S. Airport Dr.

Meals - Tip O’ Texas RV Resort, Pharr, 5:30-7:15pm, Hot dogs, burgers, polish sausages, concessions. 101 E. Sioux Rd. 956-787-6461.

Entertainment - Acacia RV Park, Alamo, 6-8pm, Dave Perryman, pass the hat. 89 E. Business Hwy. 83.

Square Dance - MS & Plus with Rounds - Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, 6:30-9pm, Tampico Hall, East & West.

Dance - Tip O’ Texas RV Resort, Pharr, 7-10pm, Steven May & Southern Knights, $8pp. BYOB. 101 E. Sioux Rd. 956-787-6461.

Entertainment - Bit-O-Heaven RV Park, Donna, 7pm, Justin Terry - Country Singer, $10pp. 1051 W. Bus. Hwy. 83/Hook Ave.

Bible Conference - Bibleville Conference Grounds, Alamo, 7pm, Founders Week. 956-787-2024. 1346 N. Cesar Chavez Rd.

Show - Fun N Sun Resort, San Benito, 7pm, Mark Merchant, $10pp advance/$12pp at the door.

Entertainment - Bentsen Grove Resort, Palmview, 7pm, Mountain Highway, $10pp. Bluegrass. Tickets at the door $2 more. Tickets on sale 1/15.

Entertainment - Casa del Sol, Donna, 7-9pm, Jonny Bird, $8pp. Singer, dancer, and piano player. Concessions available. 956-464-9024. 400 N. Val Verde Rd.

Entertainment - Pine to Palm Resort, Weslaco, 7pm, Lindley Creek, $10pp. Band from Buffalo, MO bringing their well-versed bluegrass and gospel music. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. 802 S. International Blvd.

Dance - Country Palms RV Park, San Juan, 7:30-10pm, Hitman, $8pp.

Thursday, February 6

Sunshine’s 77 Cafe - Sunshine RV Resort, Harlingen, 7am-1:30pm, Cafe open for breakfast and lunch in Rec Hall. 1900 Grace Ave.

Meal - Lamplighter Park, Palmview, 7:30-9am, Biscuit and gravy. 2240 S. Bentsen Palm Dr.

Craft Show - Tropic Winds MH & RV Resort, Harlingen, 8am-Noon.

Craft Show - Rio Valley Estates MH & RV Resort, Weslaco, 8am-Noon, Visit the single Craft Sale in the valley to feature only handmade items! Lunch available with our famous Sloppy Joe’s, chips and pies. 715 N. Westgate Dr.

All You Can Eat Pancakes - The Grove Subdivision, San Juan, 9-11am, Pancakes, eggs, sausages, waffles and a hot cup of coffee. Bring your own table service. Hwy. 83 & Stewart Rd., 605 E. 7th St.

Open Pickle Ball - Casa del Valle Resort Park, Alamo, 9am-Noon.

Bluegrass Jam - Lamplighter Park, Palmview, 9-11am, 2240 S. Bentsen Palm Dr.

TSSA Tournament - Southern Comfort Resort, Weslaco, 9am, 1501 S. Airport Dr.

Line Dance - Enchanted Valley Ranch, Mission, 10am.

Country Jam - El Valle Del Sol, Mission, 10am-Noon, Peppermint Palace. Thursday Lunch Burgers - Bentsen

Grove Resort, Palmview, 11:30am-1pm.

Jam - Pharr South Park, Pharr, 11:30am-3pm, Lunch 11:30 a.m. Jam 12:30 to 3 p.m.

Jam - Mission Bell Resort, Mission, 1pm, 1711 E. Bus. Hwy. 83.

Acoustic Bluegrass Jam - VIP La Feria RV Park West, La Feria, 1:30pm, Call Rick or Jan for more info, 940-453-0196.

Ladies Tea - Bibleville Conference Grounds, Alamo, 2pm, 956-787-2024. 1346 N. Cesar Chavez Rd.

Happy Hour Dance - Pine to Palm Resort, Weslaco, 3-5pm, Curt James, pass the hat. BYOB. Pop and water available for sale, free ice. 802 S. International Blvd.

Happy Hour - Lakewood RV Resort, Harlingen, 4-5:30pm, Kiley & Co, pass the hat. BYOB. Open cafe.

Soup Supper - Bit-O-Heaven RV Park, Donna, 4:30pm, $4pp. BYOB, bowls, snacks, to go containers. Dessert for sale. 1051 W. Bus. Hwy. 83/Hook Ave.

Jam - Victoria Palms Resort, Donna, 6-9pm, Free. Ballroom. Contact: David Hatcher, 512-529-8145.

Jam - Dream Valley Ranch, Mission, 6-8pm, Free, all parks welcome.

Acoustic Music Jam - Palm Gardens, Harlingen, 6-8:30pm, Contact Wayne Suter, 567-201-8157. 3401 W. Bus. 83.

Show - Park Place Estates, Harlingen, 6:15-7:15pm, Kai Kamaka - Hawaiian & Contemporary Music, $8pp advance/$10pp door. A fun night of Hawaiian tales, Hawaiian music, and a Hawaiian twist on popular songs!

Country & Big Band Variety Jam - La Hacienda Estates, Alamo, 6:30-8:30pm, Call Alice at 612-644-1753.

Karaoke - Paradise Resort Estates, Pharr, 6:30-8:30pm.

Entertainment - Tropic Winds MH & RV Resort, Harlingen, 7-8:30pm, Anthony Hernandez Illusions, $10pp advance/$12pp at the door.

Bible Conference - Bibleville Conference Grounds, Alamo, 7pm, Founders Week. 956-787-2024. 1346 N. Cesar Chavez Rd.

Dance - Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, 7-10pm, Steven May, $8pp. Main Hall.

Show - Mission Bell Resort, Mission, 7pm, Mountain Highway, $10pp. 956-585-4833. 1711 E. Bus. Hwy. 83.

Bingo - Enchanted Valley Ranch, Mission, 7pm.

Entertainment - Bentsen Palm RV Park, Mission, 7-9pm, Mariachi Band Performance. $9pp advance/$10pp at the door. 3501 N. Bentsen Palm Dr.

Friday, February 7

Sunshine’s 77 Cafe - Sunshine RV Resort, Harlingen, 7am-1:30pm, Cafe open for breakfast and lunch in Rec Hall. 1900 Grace Ave.

Craft/Vendor Show - Palm Shadows RV/MH Park, Donna, 8am-Noon, Booth contact: Vicky Bahner, 956-467-6861. Rec Hall.

Patio Sales - Palm Shadows RV/MH Park, Donna, 8am-Noon, Your junk is someone else’s treasure! Gates open at 8 a.m. Park wide.

Huge Rummage Sale - Tropical Valley Acres, Mission, 8am-1pm, Main Hall. Offering a huge variety of items from clothing, linens, kitchen wares, electronics, and furniture. 1240 E. Bus. 83.

Craft Sale - Paradise Park, McAllen, 9am-Noon, 100 E. Hackberry.

Square Dancing - Casa del Valle Resort Park, Alamo, 10am.

Country Jam - Casa del Sol, Donna, 10:30am, Jam from 12:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. Come for a delicious lunch served before jam, then enjoy this popular country jam. Relax and enjoy the music or come to sing. All are welcome. 956-464-9024. 400 N. Val Verde Rd.

Jam Session - Tropic Winds MH & RV Resort, Harlingen, 12:30-2:30pm.

Yahoo - Enchanted Valley Ranch, Mission, 1pm.

Trail Dancing - Casa del Valle Resort Park, Alamo, 1-3pm, Free lessons.

Rock Jam - Paradise Resort Estates, Pharr, 1-3pm, Lunch served 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Everyone welcome.

RC Dirt Devil Track - Kenwood RV Park,  La  Feria,  1:30-3:30pm, 956-797-1851.

Entertainment - W&I Resort, Mission, 3pm, Men & Women of A-Chord, pass the hat. 206 S. Stewart Rd.

Spaghetti Dinner - Tip O’ Texas RV Resort, Pharr, 4pm, $10pp, advance only. 101 E. Sioux Rd. 956-787-6461.

Fish Fry Night - Mission West RV Park, Palmview, 4:30-5:30pm.

Karaoke - Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, 5-6:50pm, Tampico Hall.

Country Jam - Hidden Valley Ranch RV & MH Park, Mission, 5:30pm, Meal 4 p.m. - 5 p.m., $6pp. 717-877-8375.

Jam - Tradewinds RV Resort, Mission, 6pm, 1005 Stewart Rd.

Entertainment - Alamo Rec-Veh Park, 6:30pm, Lady and The Outlaw, $8pp. 1320 W. Frontage Rd.

Dance - Tropic Winds MH & RV Resort,  Harlingen,  7-10pm,  Rewind, $12pp advance/$14pp at the door.

Dance - Fiesta Village, Mission, 7-10pm, Kenastons High Country, $10pp. 205 S. Stewart Rd.

Karaoke - Tip O’ Texas RV Resort, Pharr, 7-9pm, 101 E. Sioux Rd. 956-787-6461.

Entertainment - Winter Green Estates, Mission,  7-9pm,  Mountain  Highway, $10pp. 500 N. Bryan Rd.

Dance - Victoria Palms Resort, Donna, 7-10pm, The Fabulous Cruisers, $12pp. Ballroom.

Dance - Bit-O-Heaven RV Park, Donna, 7-10pm, Southern Vibes, $10pp. 1051 W. Bus. Hwy. 83/Hook Ave.

Big Band Jam - Palm Shadows RV/MH Park, Donna, 7-9pm, Rec Hall.

Dance - Siesta Retirement Village Park, Weslaco, 7-10pm, The Howlers - Sea Cruise Dance, $9pp. Bring your friends and join for an evening of fun and dancing. Kitchen open, free ice. Open to the public. Host: Dawn Strong and Dee Althoff. Office: 956-969-3740. 2712 S. International Blvd.

Bible Conference - Bibleville Conference Grounds, Alamo, 7pm, Founders Week. 956-787-2024. 1346 N. Cesar Chavez Rd.

Dance - Texas Trails RV Resort, Pharr, 7pm, Sweetwater, $8pp. 501 W Owassa Rd.

Dance - Fun N Sun Resort, San Benito, 7-10pm, Steven May and the Southern Knights, $8pp at the door.

Dance - Bentsen Grove Resort, Palmview, 7-10pm, Texas Storm, $10pp. Tickets at the door $2 more. Tickets on sale 1/17.

Dance - Alamo Rose RV and MH Resort, 7-10pm, Canam, $10pp. Concessions include set-ups, pizza, ice cream and popcorn. 938 S. Alamo Rd.

Shuffleboard Friday Night Lights - Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, 7pm.

Entertainment - Eastgate RV & MH Park,  Harlingen,  7pm,  Kai  Kamaka, $9pp. Island and contemporary music, playing his ukelele from Hawaii. 956-423-3137. 2801 Harrison.

Entertainment - Rio Valley Estates MH & RV Resort, Weslaco, 7pm, Jonny Bird, $10pp. 50/50 drawing and ice cream available. 715 N. Westgate Dr.

Dance - Park Place Estates, Harlingen, 7-10pm, Buck Hollow Band, $8pp advance/$10pp door. 2024 Valley Star Duo of the Year Nominees will be playing country & rock classics! Setups are available.

Dance - Magic Valley Park, Weslaco 7-10pm, The Agency, $10pp. BYOB, set up available.

Dance - Casa del Sol, Donna, 7-10pm, Dave Perryman and the Country Revue, $8pp. Come dance to old country favorites and more, or relax and listen. BYOB. Concessions and set ups available. 956-464-9024. 400 N. Va Verde Rd.

Dance - La Hacienda Estates, Alamo, 7-10pm, Night Howlers. 1018 El Paseo Dr.

Entertainment - Heritage Square, Mission, 7-9pm, 3 Fools on 3 Stools, $10pp at the door. 50/50, BYOB, pop $1, and ice available. Come join the fun.

Saturday, February 8

Flea Market/Craft Sale - Wagon City North, Mission, 7am-Noon, Cinnamon rolls breakfast, lunch, bake sale, white elephant sale indoors and out. 2905 N. Conway.

Rummage & Bake Sale - The Grove Subdivision, San Juan, 7-11am, In the Hall with other sales. Will have omelet breakfast too. 605 E. 7th St.

Biscuits & Gravy Fundraiser - Lakewood RV Resort, Harlingen, 7:30-9:30am, Donation event.

Patio Sales - Bit-O-Heaven RV Park, Donna, 8am-Noon, Drive around park for sales. 1051 W. Bus. Hwy. 83/Hook Ave.

Public Meal - Breakfast - Siesta Retirement  Village  Park,  Weslaco 8-9:30am, $8pp. Main Hall. Open to the public. Host: Kay Rodrigue. Office: 956-969-3740. 2712 S. International Blvd.

Craft Show - Bentsen Grove Resort, Palmview, 8-10am, Breakfast available.

Saturday Breakfast - Chimney Park, Mission, 8-10am, Come and enjoy a full breakfast at Chimney Park. Along the beautiful Rio Grande River. 956-585-5061. 4224 S. Conway Ave.

Patio Sales - Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, 8-11am.

Park Wide Patio Sale - Sunshine RV Resort, Harlingen, 8am-Noon, Gate is open. 1900 Grace Ave.

Saturday Breakfast - El Valle Del Sol, Mission, 8-9:30am, Peppermint Palace. 2500 E. Bus. Hwy. 83.

Garage Sale - Resaca Bend El Ranchito RV Park, San Benito, 8am, 251 & 427 Line 17 Rd.

Park Yard Sale - Acacia RV Park, Alamo, 8am-1pm, 89 E. Business Hwy. 83.

Craft Show and Sale - Pine to Palm Resort, Weslaco, 8am-Noon, Breakfast sandwiches available at Pine to Palm Hall 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. 802 S. International Blvd.

Craft Sale & Show - Sunset Palms RV Park, Brownsville, 8am-Noon, Woodworking, painting, jewelry, stained glass, sewing, knitting, baked goods. Don’t miss it! 1129 N. Minnesota Ave.

Patio Sale - Alamo Rec-Veh Park, 8am-Noon, 1320 W. Frontage Rd.

Huge Rummage Sale - Tropical Valley Acres, Mission, 8-11am, Main Hall. Offering a huge variety of items from clothing, linens, kitchen wares, electronics, and furniture. Half price. 1240 E. Bus. 83.

Craft Fair - Victoria Palms Resort, Donna, 9am-Noon, Free. Ballroom.

Square Dance - Plus Square Dance Lessons - Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, 9-11am, Tampico Hall, East & West.

Rock & Roll Jam - Chimney Park, Mission, Noon-2pm, Full breakfast 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. and full lunch available 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Jam begins at 12 p.m. with the Howlers. Please call James at 402-630-0492 to get on the schedule to perform. 956-585-5061. 4224 S. Conway Ave.

Country Jam - Green Gate Grove, Palmview, 12:30pm, Lunch 11 a.m. Jam 12:30 p.m. Everyone invited.

Dinner Theatre Tickets On Sale - Aladdin  Villas,  Mission,  1-3pm, Aladdin Villas Ballroom. “Viagra Falls and the 70 Year Old Virgin”. Dinner Theatre dates 3/21 5 p.m., 3/22 5 p.m., & 3/23 1:30 p.m. Full meal consists of: salad, Spaghetti bake with your choice of Alfredo or marinara sauce, bread sticks, dessert, coffee & water. Full meal tickets are $25, Matinee is dessert only for $15. RESERVED SEATING ONLY, and need to choose your sauce when you buy your ticket. Audience may bring their own wine. 1501 Aladdin Villas    Blvd.    Jeane, 763-221-5280.

Concert - Bibleville Conference Grounds, Alamo, 2pm, Blake & Jenna Bolerjack. 956-787-2024. 1346 N. Cesar Chavez Rd.

Poker Run/Cookout/Sock Hop - Enchanted  Valley Ranch,  Mission, 3-9pm, Poker Run 3 p.m., $5pp. Cookout 4-6 p.m., $6pp. Castaways Sock Hop 6-9 p.m., $10pp.

Entertainment - Fiesta Village, Mission, 7pm, 3 Fools on 3 Stools, $10pp. 205 S. Stewart Rd.

Concert - Bibleville Conference Grounds, Alamo, 7pm, Blake & Jenna Bolerjack. 956-787-2024. 1346 N. Cesar Chavez Rd.

Dance - Mission Bell Resort, Mission, 7pm,  Vinyl  Spin  Band,  $10pp. 956-585-4833. 1711 E. Bus. Hwy. 83.

Show - Mission West RV Park, Palmview, 7-9pm, Shake Rattle & Roll, $9pp.

Dance - Aladdin Villas, Mission, 7-10pm, Jealous Heart, $9pp. Concessions, free ice.

Saturday Night Bingo - Pharr South Park, Pharr, 7-9pm.

Dance - Trophy Gardens, Alamo, 7-10pm, Diego & Edith, $8pp. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. BYOB, set-ups, concessions. 956-685-5300. 800 State Hwy. 495.

Show - Seven Oaks RV Park, Mission, 7-9pm, Lindley Creek, $12pp. BYOB, concessions available.

Dance - Restful Valley Ranch, Mission,  7-10pm,  Bruce  Boudreau, $10pp.

Dance - Eastgate RV & MH Park, Harlingen, 7pm, Ruthi, $7.50pp. Music and dancing. 956-423-3137. 2801 Harrison.

Entertainment - Sunshine RV Resort, Harlingen, 7-8:30pm, Mark Merchant Comedy Show, $10pp in advance or at the door. Friendship Hall. Gate will be open. 1900 Grace Ave.

Dance - Casa del Valle Resort Park, Alamo, 7pm, Texas Wheels.

Valentine’s Day Dance - Paradise Park, McAllen, 7-10pm, Matt Macias, $10pp at the door. 100 E. Hackberry Ave.

Country Dance - El Valle Del Sol, Mission, 7-10pm, Steven May and The Southern Knights, $8pp. Peppermint Palace. 2500 E. Bus. Hwy. 83.

Dance - Valley View Estates, Mission, 7-10pm, Sweetwater Band, $10pp. BYOB, door prizes.

Entertainment - Kenwood RV Park, La Feria, 7-9pm, William Florian, $10pp.

Sunday, February 9

Church Service - Fiesta Village, Mission, 8:30am, 205 S. Stewart Rd.

Church Service - Bentsen Grove Resort, Palmview, 8:30am, With Jesse Hernandez.

Church Services - Quiet Village II, Donna, 9-10am, Non-denominational services. Pastor Mary Chamberlin.

Worship Service - Siesta Retirement Village Park, Weslaco, 9-10am, Winter Church. Open to the public. Office: 956-969-3740. 2712 S. International Blvd.

Bible Studies - Bibleville Conference Grounds, Alamo, 9am, 956-787-2024. 1346 N. Cesar Chavez Rd.

Church Service - Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, 9-10am, Main Hall.

Worship Service - Rio Valley Estates MH & RV Resort, Weslaco, 9-10am, Non-denominational. Open to the public. 715 N. Westgate Dr.

Lutheran Christian Services - Restful Valley Ranch, Mission, 9-10am, Coffee hour at 8 a.m. Everyone is welcome.

Church - Casa del Valle Resort Park, Alamo, 9am.

Sunday Worship - Pharr South Park, Pharr, 9:30am.

Church Service - Lakewood RV Resort, Harlingen, 9:30-11am.

Church - Mission Bell Resort, Mission, 9:30am.

Worship Service - Palm Shadows RV/MH Park, Donna, 10am.

Church Service - Bentsen Palm RV Park, Mission, 10am, Rec Hall. 3501 N. Bentsen Palm Dr.

Worship Service - Eastgate RV & MH Park, Harlingen, 10am, Non-denominational church services. Please come join us in celebrating Sunday worship in the South Hall. 956-423-3137. 2801 Harrison.

Sunshine Church - Sunshine RV Resort, Harlingen, 10-11am, Friendship Hall, gate is open. 1900 Grace Ave.

Church Services - Paradise Resort Estates, Pharr, 10-11am, Non-denominational church services. Pastor Marv Odegaard.

Church - Oleander Acres, Mission, 10am, 2421 S. Conway Ave

Church Services - Bibleville Conference Grounds, Alamo, 10:30am, 956-787-2024. 1346 N. Cesar Chavez Rd.

Jam/Dance - Fiesta Village, Mission, 1-3pm, 205 S. Stewart Rd.

Gospel Jam - Quiet Village II, Donna, 2-4pm.

Entertainment - Valley View Estates, Mission, 2-3pm, Rio Grande Band Concert, $5pp.

Meal - Lamplighter Park, Palmview, 4-5:30pm, Lasagna, salad. 2240 S. Bentsen Palm Dr.

Gospel Jam - Lamplighter Park, Palmview, 5:30-7:30pm, 2240 S. Bentsen Palm Dr.

Karaoke - Enchanted Valley Ranch, Mission, 6pm.

Ice Cream Social - Sunshine RV Resort, Harlingen, 6-7pm, Traditional ice cream social, Rec Hall. $2 per bowl. Gate open. 1900 Grace Ave.

Bingo - McAllen Mission RV Resort, Mission, 6-8pm, Snacks are available, bring your dobbers, bring your hubby.

Church Services - Bibleville Conference Grounds, Alamo, 7pm, 956-787-2024. 1346 N. Cesar Chavez Rd.

Monday, February 10

Sunshine’s 77 Cafe - Sunshine RV Resort, Harlingen, 7am-1:30pm, Cafe open for breakfast and lunch in Rec Hall. 1900 Grace Ave.

Line Dancing - Kenwood RV Park, La Feria, 9:30-11am, $3pp.

Square Dance - Beginner - Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, Noon-2pm, Tampico Hall, East.

Vegetable Sale - Sunshine RV Resort, Harlingen, Noon-1pm, Garza (Veggie Man) produce Sale. Parking lot. 1900 Grace Ave.

Rock and Roll Jam - Enchanted Valley Ranch, Mission, 12:30pm, 7300 Monroe.

Jam Session - Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, 1-3pm, Main Hall.

Jam - Countryside RV Park, Donna, 1pm, Serving lunch from 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Join us for good food and great music. Open to the public and backed up by our professional band. 100 N. Valley View Rd.

Jam - Winter Haven Park, Pharr, 1-3pm, All jammers and audience welcome!

Jam - Yellow Rose RV,La Feria, 1pm, Musicians by invitation only. 1609 N. Main St.

Country Jam - River Ranch Resort, Rio Hondo, 2-4pm.

Vera Bradley Bingo - Sun Valley Village, Harlingen, 3pm, $10pp. Advance tickets purchase by 2/7. For ticket or more information contact Helen at 574-268-4576 or Linda at 317-745-5126. Snacks will be available. All proceeds benefit SVV Ladies Club for area organizations donations and park improvements. 15659 Buttercup Ct.

Happy Hour - Tip O’ Texas RV Resort, Pharr, 4-5:30pm, Power Lounge, pass the hat. BYOB. 101 E. Sioux Rd. 956-787-6461.

Meal - Lamplighter Park, Palmview, 4-5:30pm, Scallop potatoes and ham, green beans. 2240 S. Bentsen Palm Dr.

Hamburger Night - Mission West RV Park, Palmview, 4:30-5:30pm.

Monday Dinner - Bentsen Grove Resort, Palmview, 4:30-6pm.

Monday Night Jammers - Mission West RV Park, Palmview, 5:30-7:30pm.

Country Jam - Lamplighter Park, Palmview, 5:30-7:30pm, 2240 S. Bentsen Palm Dr.

Loteria - Enchanted Valley Ranch, Mission, 6pm.

Entertainment - Palm Shadows RV/MH Park, Donna, 7-9pm, Matt Macis, $10pp. www.smashshowco.com/about-us. Palm Shadows Lounge.

Entertainment - Aladdin Villas, Mission, 7-9pm, Kiley and Co, $9pp. Ice cream available. 1501 Aladdin Villas Blvd. West.

Valentine’s Show - Fun N Sun Resort, San Benito, 7pm, Vance Greek, $10pp advance/$12pp at the door.

Dance - Rio Valley Estates MH & RV Resort, Weslaco, 7pm, South Texas Ramblers, $9pp. 50/50 drawing, popcorn and ice available. 715 N. Westgate Dr.

Entertainment - Casa del Sol, Donna, 7-9pm, Mountain Highway, $9pp advance/$10pp at the door. Family group performing bluegrass, country, and gospel.  Concessions  available. 956-464-9024. 400 N. Val Verde Rd.

Tuesday, February 11

Sunshine’s 77 Cafe - Sunshine RV Resort, Harlingen, 7am-1:30pm, Cafe open for breakfast and lunch in Rec Hall. 1900 Grace Ave.

Men’s Prayer & Bible Study - Bibleville Conference Grounds, Alamo, 8am,  956-787-2024.  1346  N.  Cesar Chavez Rd.

Craft Show - Southern Comfort Resort, Weslaco, 8am-Noon, 1501 S. Airport Dr.

Women’s Prayer & Bible Study - Bibleville Conference Grounds, Alamo, 9:30am, 956-787-2024. 1346 N. Cesar Chavez Rd.

Round Dancing - Casa del Valle Resort Park, Alamo, 9:30am.

Lunch and Jam - Roadrunner RV Resort, Alamo, 11am, Lunch 11:00 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Jam 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Lunch - Oleander Acres, Mission, 11am-12:30pm, Burgers. 2421 S. Conway Ave.

Trail Dance Lessons - Enchanted Valley Ranch, Mission, 11am, 11 a.m. Beginners. 12 p.m. Intermediate. 7300 Monroe.

Square Dance - Beginner - Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, Noon-2pm, Tampico Hall, East.

Country Jam - Paradise Resort Estates, Pharr, 12:30-3pm, Lunch served 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Old Time Dances - Fiesta Village, Mission, 1-4pm, Jim, Tom & Kenny, $9pp. 205 S. Stewart Rd.

Jam Session - Oleander Acres, Mission, 1-3pm, 2421 S. Conway Ave.

Jam Session - Lakewood RV Resort, Harlingen, 1-3pm.

Bluegrass Band Jam - Kenwood RV Park,  La  Feria,  1:30-3:30pm, 956-797-1851.

Nickel Bingo - McAllen Mission RV Resort, Mission, 2-3:30pm, Hall-1. Bring your nickels, friends, and hubby. Hoot and holler.

Happy Hour - Bit-O-Heaven RV Park, Donna, 3-5pm, Jerry Co, pass the hat. 1051 W. Bus. Hwy. 83/Hook Ave.

Happy Hour - Alamo Rose RV and MH Resort, 3-5pm, Buck Hollow, pass the hat.

Happy Hour - Park Place Estates, Harlingen, 3:30-5:30pm, Curt James. This previous Valley Star Award Winner is going to rock the house with his mix of hits. Our Happy Hour is free, but don’t forget cash for setups and performer tips.

Happy Hour - Enchanted Valley Ranch, Mission, 4-6pm, Kiley & Co, pass the hat.

Radioactive Karaoke - Victoria Palms Resort, Donna, 6-9pm, Free. Ballroom.

Bingo - Restful Valley Ranch, Mission, 6:30-8:30pm.

Jam - Country Palms RV Park, San Juan, 6:30-8:30pm.

Entertainment - Golf View Estates, Mission, 7pm, Jason Whorlow The Piano Man, $10pp. Happy Early Valentine’ Day! Bring the songs you want to hear and the fun that you won’t want to miss! Everyone welcome! 7424 Couples Circle.

Gospel Music Jams - Bibleville Conference Grounds, Alamo, 7pm, 956-787-2024. 1346 N. Cesar Chavez Rd.

Entertainment - Casa del Valle Resort Park, Alamo, 7pm, Quinton Flagg.

Wednesday, February 12

Sunshine’s 77 Cafe - Sunshine RV Resort, Harlingen, 7am-1:30pm, Cafe open for breakfast and lunch in Rec Hall. 1900 Grace Ave.

Wednesday Breakfast - Bentsen Grove Resort, Palmview, 7:30-9am.

All You Can Eat Breakfast - Enchanted Valley Ranch, Mission, 7:30-9am, $8pp. 7300 Monroe.

Craft Show - Fiesta Village, Mission, 8am-Noon, 205 S. Stewart Rd.

Wednesday Burger Fry - Chimney Park, Mission, 11:30am-12:30pm, The very best ½ lb. burgers and 1/4 lb. all beef hot dogs & corn dogs. All the toppings (grilled onions, raw onions, tomatoes, lettuce jalapenos, cheese, pickles), egg washed French fries, sweet potato fries, & southern ranch homemade baked beans. 956-585-5061. 4224 S. Conway Ave.

Musical Jam - Sunshine RV Resort, Harlingen, 12:30-2:30pm, Rec Hall. Cafe open for lunch, gate is open. 1900 Grace Ave.

Country Jam - Quiet Village II, Donna, 12:30-3:30pm.

Valley Star Awards - Mission Bell Resort,  Mission,  1pm,  $15pp. 956-585-4833. 1711 E. Bus. Hwy. 83.

Jam - Heritage Square, Mission, 1-4pm, Refreshments at 11 a.m.

Bluegrass Jam - Posada del Sol RV Park, Harlingen, 1-3pm.

Open Music Jam - Chimney Park, Mission, 1pm, Homemade cake on the break. 956-585-5061. 4224 S. Conway Ave.

Jam Session - Park Place Estates, Harlingen, 1:30-3:30pm, Our free Acoustic Jam Session is open to the public. Come to listen or come to play! Everyone is welcome.

Happy Hour - Victoria Palms Resort, Donna, 3-5pm, Rusty Rierson, pass the hat. Ballroom.

Dance - Social Hour - Siesta Retirement  Village Park,  Weslaco, 3-4:30pm, Regan James, pass the hat. Come join us, bring your friends, and dance to your favorite songs. Kitchen open, free ice. Open to the public. Office: 956-969-3740. 2712 S. International Blvd.

Karaoke - McAllen Mission RV Resort, Mission, 3-6pm, Hall-2. Music: country, old time rock. Chef Joann meals served $. Snacks, ice cream, and drinks available. BYOD. Come and sing, visit, or relax. 956-585-7630. 3366 N. Bentsen Palm Dr.

Happy Hour - Southern Comfort Resort, Weslaco, 3-4:30pm, Bruce Boudreau, pass the hat. 1501 S. Airport Dr.

Public Meal - Social Time Dinner - Siesta Retirement Village Park, Weslaco, 4:30-6pm, Enchiladas, $10pp. Main Hall. Open  to  the  public.  Office: 956-969-3740. 2712 S. International Blvd.

Pancake Supper - Big Valley Trailer Park, Donna, 4:30-6pm, All you care to eat pancakes, also serving biscuits and sausage gravy, scrambled eggs, sausage patties, applesauce and coffee, $8pp. Bring your table serve. 109 W. Bus. Hwy. 83.

Meals - Tip O’ Texas RV Resort, Pharr, 5:30-7:15pm, Hot dogs, burgers, polish sausages, concessions. 101 E. Sioux Rd. 956-787-6461.

Square Dance - MS & Plus with Rounds - Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, 6:30-9pm, Tampico Hall, East & West.

Movie Night - Enchanted Valley Ranch, Mission, 6:30pm.

Dance - Tip O’ Texas RV Resort, Pharr, 7-10pm, Steven May & Southern Knights, $8pp. BYOB. 101 E. Sioux Rd. 956-787-6461.

Entertainment - Bit-O-Heaven RV Park, Donna, 7pm, Rick McEwen - Gambler Show, $10pp. 1051 W. Bus. Hwy. 83/Hook Ave.

Valentine’s Day Dance - Trophy Gardens, Alamo, 7-10pm, The Fabulous Cruisers, $12pp advance/at door if available. Bring your sweetheart and come join us. Doors open at 6 p.m. BYOB, set-ups, concessions. 956-685-5300. 800 State Hwy. 495.

Entertainment - Paradise Resort Estates, Pharr, 7-9pm, Warman Family Trio, $12pp. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Snack bar open.

Entertainment - Pine to Palm Resort, Weslaco, 7pm, 3 Fools on 3 Stools, $10pp. Dynamic trio showcasing musical genius, charismatic charm, and quick-witted comedy. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. 802 S. International Blvd.

Read more: February 5, 2025 - Parks Calendar
