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February 5, 2025 - Reunions and Meetings

Reunions are a great time to catch up with friends, old and new. Here we will feature reunions and meetings that are happening throughout the Valley. We hope that if you are having such a meeting, you will send the information to us so we can help you spread the word.

If you have a great photo from your reunion or meeting, we would love to see that too.

You can send your information to news@wintertexantimes.com.

RGV Woodcarvers

The RGV Woodcarvers welcomes any new and experienced carvers every Thursday at Kamova Events, 2711 S. 23rd St., McAllen, from 8 to 11:30 a.m. Any questions, call President Pam Horstman (816) 590-6521. For more information, visit their website at www.rgvwoodcarvers.org. Meetings will be held here for the month of November, location subject to change for rest of season.

Al-Anon Meetings

Not Alone AFG-Al-Anon meetings are held at the Frist Presbyterian Church, 709 S. Iowa, in Weslaco every Monday and Friday at 7 p.m. Family, friends, and observers are welcome to attend. For more information, call (314) 775-1089 or email smithbrother50@yahoo.com. If services are needed closer to you, you can visit www.texas-al-anon.org.

Treasure Lake Resort, Branson Reunion

Treasures Lake Resort, Branson, MO members join us for lunch on Wednesday, February 5, at Mr. Gatti’s Pizza, located at 4100 N. 2nd St., in McAllen. The event will be from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Pay at the door. For questions call Leonard or Deb Fulk at (816) 590-2350.

North Dakota/South Dakota Annual Reunion

The North Dakota/South Dakota Annual Reunion will be held Thursday, February 6 at Victoria Palms Restaurant, 600 Kingston Way, in Donna, at 11:30 a.m. Call or text Evy at (701) 371-5149. Join them for a Winter Texan gathering. RSVP not required but is appreciated. Order individually off the menu.

Annual Retired Nurses’ Luncheon

All retired RNs/LVNs and LPNs in the Rio Grande Valley are invited to a buffet luncheon on Tuesday, February 11 at Peter Piper Pizza, 3101 E. Expressway 83, in Weslaco. No reservations required. Check-in is at 12:30 p.m. with lunch at 1 p.m., followed by social, announcements and door prizes. Call or text Jan Bergman at (956) 532-1223 for any questions.

Buchanan Co., Iowa Reunion

The Buchanan Co., Iowa Reunion will take place Wednesday, February 12, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Mr. Gatti’s, 4100 N. 2nd St., in McAllen. For questions, call Carol Jones at (563) 920-3167 or Shirley Seamans at (319) 533-6889.

Clara City, MN Reunion

The Clara City, MN community gathering is Thursday, February 13 at 9 a.m. at Martha’s Restaurant, 502 Val Verde Rd., in Donna. Anyone who lives, or has lived, in the area is welcome. Any questions, call Lorna Glesne at (320) 905-7331.

Iowa Wapello County Reunion

The Iowa Wapello County Reunion will be held at the Junction Café, 11 South Cage Blvd., in Pharr, on Tuesday, February 18. For questions, call Dan Matheney at (641) 208-0527.

NW Missouri Winter Texan Friends

NW Missouri Winter Texans and friends will meet for lunch at Mr. Gatti’s, 4100 N. 2nd St., in McAllen, on Tuesday, February 18, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, call Larry Wolf at (816) 351-7859.

3M Retirees and Friends Welcome

3M Retirees and Friends will meet on Wednesday, February 19 at 10:30 a.m. at Victoria Palms Restaurant in Donna. Call Louise at (612) 916-9236 for information.

Parkers Prairie, MN Reunion

Winter Texans from Parkers Prairie, MN and surrounding areas are invited to gather on Wednesday, February 19, at 9 a.m. at La Casa Del Taco, 1800 E. Bus. 83, in Mission. The restaurant phone number is (956) 581-8523. For any questions, contact Connie Maloney at (612) 819-6423.

Appanoose County/Rathbun Lake Area Reunion

The Appanoose County, Iowa and Rathbun Lake Area Reunion will be held on Thursday, February 20, at 11 a.m. at Mr. Gatti’s, 2001 W. Expressway 83, in Weslaco. For more information, call Pat Houser at (641) 895-8181.

Submarine Veterans

The Submarine Veterans will meet for lunch at 11 a.m. on Thursday, February 20, (every third Thursday of the month through April) at Junction Café, 115 Cage Blvd., in Pharr. For more information, call Larry at (715) 305-0401.

Masonic Winter Texan Reunion

The 44th Annual MN/TX Masonic Reunion will be held on Saturday, February 22, at the Echo Hotel Conference Center. 1906 S. Closner Blvd, Edinburg. The social hour will begin at 11:30 a.m., followed by lunch at 12:30 p.m. Cost is $22. Grand Master of Minnesota, M.W. Foster Solem, will be the honored guest and featured speaker and Masonic Widows will be recognized. For reservations, contact Roger Taylor at (320) 980-5240 or John Antl (651) 248-3323.

Silver Bay/Two Harbors Reunion

The Silver Bay/Two Harbors area reunion will meet for their annual luncheon Wednesday, February 26 at 11 a.m. at Mr. Gatti’s, 4100 N. 2nd St. in McAllen. All current and former area residents are welcome. For questions, call Steve at (763) 691-4921.
