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treasure hunt featBy Quinta Mazatlán World Birding Center

Learning about the vast world of birds is like a treasure hunt. There are many paths that we can take to help us find these beautiful gems in nature. Books are a great way to start learning about birds. Bird field guides help us grasp the physical attributes of different birds’ appearances, as well as providing us with a feel of where the birds can be found, and what their vocalizations can sound like.


Setting up birdfeeders and birdbaths in your backyard can attract many varieties of birds throughout the year. Planting native habitat in your backyard can be especially effective at attracting these feathered beauties, plus the native plants add an attractive touch to any landscape. Learning opportunities are constantly present when you find yourself looking for birds. treasure hunt 01

One of the best ways to learn about birds is to spend time with experienced birders at birding hotspots like Quinta Mazatlan in McAllen. Birding is often a social activity, with light and fun casual talk often being present. When a bird is seen or heard, everyone’s curiosity gets the best of them as words settle down to clear the air for finding the bird. Experienced birders understand how to read birds - their flight, perching behavior, slight body movements, feeding patterns, and a host of other identifying characteristics.

Quinta Mazatlan is one of the nine World Birding Centers located in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Visit Quinta Mazatlán’s Facebook page for a weekly list of “Recently Seen Birds” and look for fall programming to be announced soon.

Many of the Rio Grande Valley specialty bird species make Quinta Mazatlán’s Thornforest their home. From tropical Green Jays and beautiful Inca Doves, to the goose-like Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks and secretive Olive Sparrows, Quinta Mazatlan has so much to offer.

Birders and photographers have been coming recently to see the flying jewels, the Buff-bellied and Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. A handful of migrating birds have already made their presence known at Quinta Mazatlán, and sightings are increasing as fall approaches. Although small, Quinta Mazatlán is one of the Valley’s gems that is sure to inspire your avian curiosities. Have fun birding!

Quinta Mazatlan is just one of the nine World Birding Centers located in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Visit Quinta Mazatlán’s Facebook page for a weekly list of “Recently Seen Birds” and look for fall programming to be announced soon. Follow Quinta Mazatlán on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube @QuintaMazatlan to learn more about our natural and cultural heritage in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. Visit Quinta Mazatlan online http://www.quintamazatlan.com/ and the other birding centers at http://www.theworldbirdingcenter.com/.
