Although it was still pretty cool on Thursday, January 16, it turned out to be a really nice afternoon and an even nicer day on Friday, January 17. Winter Texans and others took advantage of that nice weather and made it out to the Ron Hoover Open House. They also took advantage of the great deals Ron Hoover was having throughout the event.
The event featured the latest in RV fifth wheels, motor homes, boats, cargo trailers, and more. Visitors were treated to free hotdogs, drinks, and a free T-shirt, along with chances to win door prizes and a grand prize drawing at the end of both afternoons of the open house.
The open house included many vendors with a variety of products. Many RV and motorhome vendors were set up inside to answer questions from visitors. Salespeople could be seen walking with visitors, talking about products, and showing them the homes.
Harry and Margie Funk, IN Winter Texans that are currently staying at Lazy Palms Ranch RV Park, are full-time RVers. They said they saw the event in the Winter Texan Times and decided to visit, and bring three other couples with them.
Even though they are full-time RVers, Harry said they are looking at alternatives for when they decide to settle down. They were looking at the few older models that were on the lot.
Funk shared that he was one of the first 100 employees for Jayco many years ago. They also shared that they love coming to the Valley because of the weather and the community in their park.
Others came to see the many options available and to see if it was time to trade up.
It is obvious that the open house event remains a popular event among the Valley’s Winter Texans. They had a chance to have some food, visit with friends, enjoy some music, and look at some beautiful homes.