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Published: Tuesday, 05 January 2021 14:26
It is a NEW YEAR! And let us hope that 2021 will bring an end to the pandemic and the problems we all encountered in 2020. Hopefully by mid-year, we all will have been vaccinated and we will be on the road to our... ‘new normal’ or whatever is in store for us in our future.
Read more: Remembering the Positives
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Published: Tuesday, 29 December 2020 14:48
Oops! Christmas time and family celebrations have now come and gone. I hope that you practiced social distancing and followed the suggestions of our CDC and government mandates and stayed home. Yes, it was difficult not to visit with family and loved ones. But if we are to conquer our battle in this pandemic, we must do all possible to fight it.
Read more: Happy New Year
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Published: Tuesday, 22 December 2020 14:49
Although there have been some adjustments made due to the pandemic, the Rio Grande Valley has not forgotten Christmas and the reason for the celebration. Many churches have been unable to celebrate with their usual posadas held on church properties. Instead, the churches are encouraging people to celebrate within their own families and neighborhoods. For those of you new to South Texas, a posada is the enactment of Mary and Joseph seeking a place for the Christ child to be born. Special songs requesting lodging are sung as the group moves from house to house. The most beautiful posada that I have ever witnessed was in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
Read more: Christmas traditions
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Published: Tuesday, 15 December 2020 14:29
The Brownsville Historical Museum has a wonderful display to delight young and old and all those in between. Not only is this an outstanding museum, but each year for the Christmas Season they have a special exhibit of a miniature village. Filling stations, houses, stores and even a Starbucks will all be displayed in miniature.
Read more: Remarkable exhibits at BHM
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Published: Wednesday, 18 November 2020 07:00
Today is a beautiful day. Even if it is raining, it is still a beautiful day - the farmers need the rain, our yards need the rain. And soon the rain will stop, the bright, warming sun will shine down upon us and we can all go outside and enjoy our beautiful world. If it is a foggy day, that too will go away by mid-morning and the sun will shine again. Or perhaps the day will be one of those gorgeous November days from the very beginning.
Read more: Making safer choices
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Published: Wednesday, 04 November 2020 12:00
Hats off to McAllen! - one of the most progressive cities in the Rio Grande Valley. They seem to always have something big and wonderful planned for us to enjoy...from the huge Christmas Parade to the upcoming Fiesta de Palmas, formerly called Palm Fest. Not only is McAllen progressive, but they are also the largest city in Hidalgo County and according to the last census, McAllen is the 22nd most populous city in Texas.
Read more: McAllen forging ahead
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Published: Wednesday, 21 October 2020 13:00
Fall is in the air! Yes, it is that time of year. The mornings are beautiful, the air is crisp and dry....and cool. It's time to take a walk. After all these months of “Shelter in Place,” a morning walk sounds quite refreshing. Your walk may be just around the neighborhood or perhaps you would like to journey a little further afield. No matter what part of our beautiful Rio Grande Valley you may call home, there are many wonderful places to explore. So, put on your walking shoes and let's go.
Read more: On the Road With Jo
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Published: Wednesday, 25 March 2020 09:28
Talk about being prepared! How about being over prepared? During the past ten days, two speeches have been written, rehearsed and ready to present. But there is nowhere open for the presentation. Two speeches, but nowhere to speak. It's like ‘All dressed up and nowhere to go.’ But writing is thought provoking so the time in preparing the speeches was valuable as a learning experience.
Read more: The Four Way Speech
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Published: Wednesday, 18 March 2020 07:00
Good morning to all of you who are still here in the Rio Grande Valley. And many of us are here year-round. Winter Texan season may have ended but many of us have transplanted ourselves into the semi tropical region of Texas, the Rio Grande Valley. We live here year-round and have become rooted in this tropical paradise. Even so, we like a little vacation time, too. So, let' s look at what is available for us during this upcoming summer season.
Dates are available now for the Eagle Pass Casino Tour. Departures are not as frequent during the summer season but at least two departures per month are available each month. You might call these tours a "get away tour" so if your time is limited, these tours might be for you. Just remember the machines are not very often in favor of the player.
Read more: Summer tours coming up
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Published: Wednesday, 11 March 2020 09:58
It's been a pleasure for me to have visited with so many of you this Winter Texan Season. Your sense of humor, your kindness, your contributions to our communities has made me appreciate so much more all that you do for us.
And so, now the time has come when you are thinking of returning to your summer home up north. You will be with your family, your children and your grandchildren and oh, what a busy summer it will be. We will miss you. We hope you have a blessed summer and that you come back to be with us next year.
Read more: Summer, tours and change
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Published: Wednesday, 05 February 2020 12:42
Rio Grande Valley citizens rarely make the headlines in the Washington Post - unless, of course, they are locally elected politicians and hold a high office in Washington D.C. Well, that can't be said of Fred Renk who is well known for operating Bloodless Bull Fights for at least twenty years.
At 83 years of age Fred has decided to sell his Bull Ring located in La Gloria, Texas. On Sunday, February 16, Fred will present his last bull fight. Two bull fighters - one a woman - will perform before what will probably be a full house. Each fighter will draw for the two bulls that they will fight. The bull fight will begin at 4 p.m. and will not end until around 6 p.m.
Prior to the beginning of the fight, food and drink will be available for purchase. Fred makes sure that you are well entertained with music and trained horsemanship performances before the actual bullfight begins. So, arrive early to enjoy all the entertainment.
Read more: Fred Renk – a legend coming to an end