I hope you had a blessed Christmas with friends or family. Now comes the time when we need to plan what to do with the remaining turkey and all the left-over trimmings.
The most wonderful time is to dress up in the nice gifts that you received. This is a special time to be thankful for all the blessings that have been bestowed on us. We should all be very thankful to live in a country with so many freedoms. Soon it will be a new year and a time for us to make new resolutions and promises to live a better life. Certainly, we live in a country of plenty although there are times when we feel the situation could be better.
Not too long ago a gentleman came into my office with a desire to relocate as he was not happy with the direction that our country is going. Yes, there are some things that need improvement but when we look at other countries, we need to remember that there is probably no country that is perfect.
On my wrist I wear a little bracelet that is engraved with NO BAD DAYS. Each time that I glance at that bracelet, I remember my days as a social worker. We were required to make home visits to many clients who had health problems and even some juveniles who were pre-delinquents. My first question to a young delinquent who had a bad habit of sniffing glue was, “How are you doing today?” His answer to me was actually pretty obvious…“I ain’t dead yet am I.”
Let us all remember that each day is a blessing and to be lived with much appreciation. I am sure that young man had no idea that the Bible deals somewhat with the same subject. In Proverbs we can read that if we wake up in a bad mood that our bones will dry up but that if we wake up happy and ready for the day then our whole day will go well.
May all your days be happy and blessed.