I am sure the golfers are all wishing the weather would co-operate. It is just too, too cold to be out on a golf cart. In fact, it’s been too cold to be out.
Since our editor has asked me to write about some of my experiences related to travel, I will have to tell you about the time I decided to learn how to play golf. I had participated in many sports but never had I tried golf. So why not? At one time I had played intramural sports at the University of Texas, I had been runner up champion in a table tennis tournament, I had played intramural tag football, I broke my little finger trying to catch a fly baseball. Surely, I could master that game of golf. Why I had even been knocked out on the basketball court. Surely, I could learn to play golf. And it all happened because of traveling. So here goes.
I called the Harlingen Country Club and spoke with the pro as I wanted to sign up for lessons. The beginners group consisted of several other women. That pro had his hands full. I listened attentively to all the instructions as to the grip, the stance and thought surely, I could master everything. Then it came my turn to hit that little ball, and I gave it my all. And sure enough, that little white ball went sailing off into the wild blue. Even I was in awe.
But then several of the women began to oh and awe at how great I was. To tell you the truth I was quite proud of myself. But not for long. The pro - apparently trying to encourage the other women - made the comment, “Well, ladies, she is just naturally athletic.”
Okay, I thought. I will take that compliment. However, my self-assurance didn't last long. I tried to be a little humble but when I ducked my head trying to be meek, I was in for a rude awakening. My white golf shorts were unzipped, and my little fat belly was protruding. I was embarrassed. Maybe this game was not for me after all. Needless to say, that was my one and only experience trying to play golf. I did not go back for the second lesson.
Now, years later, I am sorry I gave up so quickly. I admire those who hang in there. It looks like so much fun and is great exercise. Let us hope for better weather so that all you golfers can enjoy golfing again.
Golfing is not the only thing I decided to learn as I grew older. What about tennis? I must have been quite a ridiculous sight when I showed up for my first lesson. I certainly was not dressed appropriately but at the time I did not realize that my attire was all wrong. Even my Keds were all wrong for the game. Seriously have you ever had to use binder twine for shoelaces?
This time both the pro and I stuck it out. Even though I was forty years old at the time I finally won a few tournaments. I will have to give a lot of credit to my partners.
I always entered the tournaments as a double. That is all but for one time. I had really decided to take up tennis because at a convention dinner table while in Quebec a very aggressive French man was bragging about how many laps he swam in his pool every day and how many sets of tennis he played and won. So why not?
I had never played tennis in my life, but I challenged him to a match at the next convention. It just so happened that our match fell on the same day that Billy Jean King and her opponent were playing. Remember what happened to Billy Jean? She lost. Well so did I! But what fun those convention goers had watching the show.
I have a fond memento from that tennis match - a silver trophy for being a good sport. I learned a lesson that day - I often remind myself “You can’t win them all, but you can keep trying.”
The challenge to the tournament was made in Quebec, Canada, a beautiful, very French city. A year later the tournament was in Hawaii - a tropical island that I have visited at least seven times. See what can happen when you travel!
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