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Winter Ranch xmas 09 USE PAGE 1 Close Up webWinter Ranch RV Resort is spreading the joy of Christmas to ARISE Adelante, which they have done for many years. This year, they collected more than enough to fill 280 stockings for young children, and 20 stockings for infants.

Bob Coakley, a chaos coordinator at Winter Ranch, said about 20 volunteers showed up to stuff the stockings once they had all the donations gathered. Tables in the rec room were filled with the items park residents had donated. Donations included coloring books, crayons, toothbrushes, toothpaste, barbies, snacks, ramen noodles, toys, hats, and stuffies.

The park also collected over a ton of dry goods. That included rice, beans, flour, and masa for ARISE’s pantry. At the end of the season, when their guests leave for the summer, the park collects leftover items they don’t want to take back home. What a great way to give back.

Winter Ranch xmas 02 webThe park’s giving doesn’t stop there. They also donate to Barrio and Easter Seals throughout the year. Quilts, blankets, and jackets are also collected during the season. The park also collects stuffed animals, which they are currently collecting, to donate to the fire and police departments. These stuffed animals are used to calm kids in crisis situations.

“This park seems to be huge giving park,” Bob said about the residents at Winter Ranch.

It’s all about helping the less fortunate, he continued. A lot of these families live in a home with a dirt floor and no windows. Most residents have multiple households and live a plentiful life. “We are so fortunate, it’s easy finding a little something to give, even $5, is so small to us, but does a lot for them.”

Winter Ranch xmas 12 USE webIn a few months, the park will be donating 4-500 quilts to Easter Seals. One resident makes about 100 quilts during the summer that she brings back to the park for the effort.

ARISE stands for A Resource In Serving Equality. The organization empowers immigrants living in low-income communities in South Texas to attain a better life for themselves, their families, and their community. Through education, resources and support ARISE provides these immigrant communities with the foundation to achieve their life goals.

The centers offer educational programs and workshops for youth and adults that focus on personal development and leadership. They make sure to include women, children and the youth.

If you want to learn more about ARISE, or what you can do to help out, visit their website at ariseadelante.org.

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