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Reunions are a great time to catch up with friends, old and new. Here we will feature reunions and meetings that are happening throughout the Valley. We hope that if you are having such a meeting, you will send the information to us so we can help you spread the word.

Right now, there are several meetings already taking place. Red Hatters are getting together on at least a monthly basis. If you would like to share your information, please send it in. If you have a great photo from your reunion or meeting, we would love to see that too.

You can send your information to news@wintertexantimes.com.

Senior Slow Pitch Softball

The Senior Slow Pitch Softball group has started practicing. You must be 55 years young and over. They practice at the sports park on Ware and I2, across from the Convention Center. All games are in the morning on Tuesday and Thursday or Monday and Wednesday depending on what group you are in. There will be gloves and bats to use. Ladies welcome. For more information, call Dave at (603) 496-7951 or Fred at (956) 897-6961.

RGV Woodcarvers

The RGV Woodcarvers are meeting at the Nomad Shrine Club, 1044 W. Nolana Blvd., in Pharr every Thursday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. from now through March. For more information, visit their website at www.rgvwoodcarvers.org.

Model Rail Roading & Railroaders

Model Rail Roading & Railroaders have started getting together. Anyone interested in joining the group can join them Monday through Friday at the Hidalgo Pumphouse. Call Red at (313) 532-8549 for more information.

Silver Bay/Two Harbors Area Reunion

Silver Bay/Two Harbors area reunion will meet for their annual luncheon on Wednesday, February 28 at 11 a.m. at Mr Gatti's, 4100 N 2nd St., McAllen. All current and former area residents are welcome. For more information, call Steve Whittaker at (763) 691-4921 or Letta (763) 691-4396.

Truckers Reunion

If you worked in any capacity in the trucking industry – i.e. driver, dispatcher, truck mechanic, truck sales, or any other job – you are invited to join the American Truck Historical Society at Mr. Gatti’s, 4100 N. 2nd St., in McAllen, on Wednesday, February 28, at 11 a.m. RSVP to Jerry W. by phone or text to (402) 580-8069 by Monday, February 26.

Clara City, Minnesota Area Reunion

Clara City, Minnesota area meeting is Friday, March 1 at 11:30 a.m. at Mr. Gatti’s Pizza, 2001 W. Expressway 83, Weslaco. Anyone with a connection to Clara City or West Central Minnesota is invited. Any questions, call Lorna Glesne at (320) 905-7331.

3M Retirees and Friends Welcome

3M Retirees and Friends will meet on Wednesday, March 20 at 10:30 a.m. at Victoria Palms Restaurant in Donna. Call Louise at (612) 916-9236 for information.

Submarine Veterans

The Submarine Veterans will meet for lunch at 11 a.m. on Thursday, March 21, (every third Thursday of the month through March) at Junction Café, 115 Cage Blvd., in Pharr. For more information, call Larry at (715) 305-0401.
