As we closed out our 11th Annual Valley Star Awards show, we found ourselves at a crossroads that we come to from time to time when we decide it is time to honor someone for their special contributions to the Wintertainers and the Winter Texans they come to entertain.
The 10th Annual Shuffleboard Tournament was held at La Floresta RV Park in Mercedes. While dark clouds threatened rain, the weather cooperated, and the tournament was able to be played without delay. There were 68 participants in the double-elimination event.
“Happy Days” were here again as more than 100 residents enjoyed the Pharr South Park fashion show and luncheon on Friday, Feb. 18.
Those attending were reminded of the TV show, “Happy Days,” with the theme decorated hall, poodle skirts, saddle shoes, background music, and photos of Richie Cunningham and family, Potsie, Chachi, Ralphie, Joanie and of course the Fonz. That show, according to Dee Hammond, who offered the welcome and suggested they pretend they were at Arnold’s Diner, spanned 11 seasons from 1974 to 1984 with a total of 255 episodes.
You may have seen them at your park. You may have seen them at an Entertainers Showcase. Or you might have seen them perform at the Valley Star Awards a few years back. Wherever you saw them, you can never mistake what Dave and Daphne are here to do. This duet is here to entertain.
Dave and Daphne are here throughout the month of February entertaining the Winter Texans at several Winter Texan parks throughout the Valley. They even have a couple of shows in March this year. Look at their half page ad in this week’s paper.
The SPI Kite Fest was quick and easy to spot, with very few clouds in the sky some kites could be clearly seen from the other side of the bridge in Port Isabel. I followed a line of cars weaving across the flats next to the SPI Convention Centre, found a parking space of sorts, and took some time in the car to layer on some gloves, a scarf, and a beanie. The weather was hovering around the high 40s to low 50s, but there was a pretty intense wind as well. This wind I’m sure, though I’m not a kite-flier, was beneficial to the dozens of kites that were maintaining their place in the sky.
Each year Winter Texans look forward to the great entertainment that performs at the annual Mission Winter Texan Fiesta. The event is held by the Mission Chamber to say “Thank you” to the Winter Texans that make the Valley their home during the winter season. The event features great entertainment, vendors, and complimentary meals for the first 1,000 attendees.
This year’s entertainment is Rick McEwen and Curt James.
The Leisure World Quilters sixth biannual quilt show will be held February 24, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Main Hall, 400 East 18th St. in Weslaco. The quilter's raffle quilt is king size measuring 106"x106" in green, rust, and gold colors. Tickets are $1 each or six for $5 and are available from any of the Leisure World quilters or at the show. The drawing will be held at the end of the show, and you don't need to be present to win.